My Holistic Journey

I was lucky enough to have started my own Homeopathic journey 15 years ago, when I went for treatment for Hormonal balancing and I felt stuck in events from my past and well, what can I say - I have never looked back.

My Son, was covered in Eczema from birth and even now looking back at the photos, it breaks my heart that he was so uncomfortable and yet whilst I was trying to help him & find out his triggers I was in a zone, always saying to friends & family “He’ll be fine, I’ll get to the bottom of it.” I knew it was my reason for finding Holistic health.
What is Homeopathy?
I took him to the Drs and was given Steroid creams, which may help temporarily but doesn’t get to the causes or triggers of the eczema..

I refused to go the conventional route and called my Homeopath, and the thing is with skin, it’s the biggest expressive organ in the body, so his was just expressing something that was going on internally or expressing a hereditary family pattern and I needed to get to the bottom of it. We tried a few remedies that made it worse before it got better, but I knew it was healing him.
Once weaning began his eczema got worse, I started to keep a food diary, took him to a Kinesiologist, crystal healer, a cranial osteopath & Bio resonance practitioner. There wasn’t much I didn’t try to help him and everything I did, helped and healed him from within.
I knew he was allergic to dairy but knew it was something else too, so through my own perseverance & watching his every move when eating, I discovered he was allergic to Salicylate Acid - which is practically in everything!

This was our turning point, his diet changed drastically, we couldn’t wear perfume around him, I changed our cleaning products and he only wore cotton clothing ~ SA is in everything!!!!

I knew he was allergic to dairy but knew it was something else too, so through my own perseverance & watching his every move when eating, I discovered he was allergic to Salicylate Acid - which is practically in everything!

This was our turning point, his diet changed drastically, we couldn’t wear perfume around him, I changed our cleaning products and he only wore cotton clothing ~ SA is in everything!!
We changed the Homeopathic remedies he was on to support this allergy, gave him his constitutional remedy, Miasmatic remedy and I saw before my eyes his skin slowly healing.

I will be forever grateful for the group of healers we had and still have around us and now he’s got perfectly healed skin, his SA allergy has gone & he can have dairy – although I do limit this to ice cream only.

Homeopathy opened my eyes to a whole new world of healing and one I’m beyond proud & grateful to practise.
I would also like to thank my husband & family for all their support during the process of helping our son.  

I would also like to thank my husband & family for all their support during the process of helping our son.  My husband never once questioned my unconventional methods. When I started at The River School of Homeopathy is took a team to get me there ~ you know who you are ~ thank you for your support every month when I went off to ‘Remedy School’ – I couldn’t of become a Homeopath without you all!